Hello! Welcome to my personal website :)

Who am I?

My name is Eesh Chilukalapalli and I'm a programmer and a creator. I am super passionate about making software because it is soooooo easy to give life to the ideas that pop up inside of my head. It is also amazing how even a small piece of software can be an important part of someone's life!

I'm currently pursuing my Bachelor's degree in software engineering at SRM University, Chennai. So far the journey has been great and I've learnt a lot of valuable lessons. Once I graduate, I wish to pursue a Master's degree in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning. I love helping people and one day I wish to create a large-scale product that will become an integral part of people's lives (for the better). I also love tinkering with robots and I think they have a lot of potential. A small set of emotions can make them feel a lot more personal than they are right now.

My hobbies include motorcycling, photography, and music. I love photography for the same reason I love making software. Just like how software allows me to materialize the ideas I get in my head, a camera allows me to capture the scenes that I picture in my head. I play the guitar and I'm currently learning how to play the piano. The only piece I can play right now is 'River flow in you' by Yiruma. I find that piece extremely soothing and always listen to it with my eyes closed. I also sing from time to time but until I can make the recordings sound professional I'm not going to go into details :D